Unemployment: 3 Tips If You’re Out of Work

While employment has rebounded somewhat, there are still a lot of people out of work. Luckily, there are new and evolving resources that can help connect employers to the right talent. At the same time, finding the right position takes time. While you are working to relaunch your career, here are some ways to make extra money in between your job search.
Drive for a Rideshare Service
Services like Uber have built their entire business models around the idea that many motorists want to become independent contractors who help others get around. These companies advertise that almost any adult with a driver’s license, good record, and working vehicle can drive for them. There are, however, some specific rules designed to protect drivers and passengers.
As a rideshare driver, you’ll need to pass a background check and maintain a valid insurance policy that has your name on it. Depending on where you live, you might need state-specific documentation. You should also get your car inspected by a certified mechanic. Although you’re allowed to drive using someone else’s vehicle, they’ll have to add you to their insurance policy.
Make the Most of Your Other Skills
The modern business landscape is full of service providers. If you’re able to get around, you might be able to capitalize on skills that you already have. For instance, some notary, handyman, and telecom engineer services match qualified independent professionals with clients. If you’ve paid for training, you could set your own schedule and negotiate your own terms with those in need of your services. You might also expand your customer base.
Start a Business
Have you always dreamed of striking it big on your own? What some might see as a tough lull in their careers, others may view as an opportunity to break free from monotonous corporate life.
Owning a vehicle gives you an advantage over the competition when it comes to starting a business. From transporting supplies to making deliveries and bringing your services to clients on demand, being mobile is a great way to get the word out. With inexpensive advertising tools like magnetic signage, your vehicle can even serve as a traveling calling card.
Find out whether you’ll need specific auto insurance coverage or a loan to get your business running.
Get Your Career Moving Forward
You don’t have to have a vehicle to drive yourself back into the workforce, but there’s no reason not to take advantage of available resources. Learn more about making the process easier. Check out our other blog posts for more helpful tips.